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If your post does not appear [Please Read]

Posted: 26 Feb 2024, 23:16
by Rich666
I'm just saying this because I has to delete about 23 copies of the same thing, probably from the same person.
If you are posting a new topic OR a reply to something on this part of the forum and it does not appear, that is because the post needs to be approved by a mod/admin first. You don't need to keep posting it. Thanks.

If it gets deleted or seemingly ignored, there is a reason for it, stop trying to post the same thing over and over.

Re: If your post does not appear [Please Read]

Posted: 09 Apr 2024, 10:53
by Rich666
Update: It appears to be spam bots, which are a real issue here lately for some reason, all saying the same 2 or 3 posts about where the admin is or how to contact the forum.

Re: If your post does not appear [Please Read]

Posted: 10 Apr 2024, 13:15
by admin
Its an span atttack from Russia Ukraine and Poland.
There is nothing we can do, I cant ban the IP's or range since they use home netwroks so legit members could get banned,
But there wont be a problem as I ban all of them .

Re: If your post does not appear [Please Read]

Posted: 10 Apr 2024, 14:58
by Rich666
Same, I am banning any I see to try and help out, as is Puro.